Elbit Systems Provides Mystery Client With Defences Against Anti-Air And Electronic Warfare Systems
- The contracts include the installation of the EW Systems on Embraer C-390 Millenium aircraft and Airbus H225M helicopters.
- These add to several other contracts awarded to the company over the past year for equipping various fixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft, including Chinook and H145M helicopters, with its advanced Self-Protection Suite.
Elbit Systems Ltd. announced [Tuesday] that it was awarded two contracts with an aggregate value of approximately $175 million for the supply of EW (Electronic Warfare) and DIRCM (Directed Infrared Countermeasure) Self-Protection Suites to a NATO European country. The contracts will be performed over a period of five years.
Under the contracts, Elbit Systems will deliver its Self-Protection Suites for installation on the country’s Embraer C-390 Millenium aircraft and Airbus H225M helicopters. Additionally, the C-390 contract includes an agreement with another European country, providing for the delivery of the Advanced EW suite for installation on its Embraer C-390 Millenium aircraft.
The state-of-the-art EW and DIRCM Self-Protection Suite, to be installed on both platforms, provides enhanced defense capabilities by autonomously detecting, analyzing, and countering a wide range of threats. The suite includes Elbit Systems’ advanced Digital Radar Warning Receiver, IR Missile Warning System (MWS), Laser Warning System (LWS), Countermeasure Dispenser System (CMDS), and the MUSIC™ family DIRCM System. Additionally, as part of the C-390 contract, Elbit Systems will provide its SPEAR Advanced ECM (AECM) Pod, which can be easily installed and transferred between aircraft on the flight line.
“With our EW Self-Protection Suites installed on over 30 aircraft types and deployed across multiple countries, including several NATO members, Elbit Systems is recognized as a global leader in Electronic Warfare and DIRCM technology.” said Oren Sabag, General Manager of Elbit Systems ISTAR & EW.
To read more, please visit Elbit's website.