Israeli MoD Selects Oshkosh to Produce Eitan APC Hulls
The Israeli Ministry of Defense (IMOD) has selected Oshkosh Defense to produce the Armored Personnel Carrier (APC) hulls for the Israeli Defense Forces.
As part of this contract, valued at over $100 million, Oshkosh Defense will build hundreds of Eitan APC main hulls.
“We are honored to have been selected by the Israeli Ministry of Defense to build the Eitan APC hull,” said John Lazar, Vice President of International, Oshkosh Defense. “We’ve worked with IMOD on a multitude of programs for more than a decade, and we look forward to demonstrating our continued commitment to this partnership.”
Production will begin in 2023 and the first hulls are expected to arrive in Israel within 18 months.
“Oshkosh Defense continues to enhance our innovative manufacturing processes to deliver world class vehicles and mobility systems,” said Pat Williams, Chief Program Officer, Oshkosh Defense. “The Eitan APC contract is just another example of our ability to leverage leading edge technology to provide our customers advanced combat vehicle solutions.”
The Eitan APC award expands Oshkosh’s portfolio of two adjacent market wins – the Stryker Medium Caliber Weapons System (MCWS) and Optionally Manned Fighting Vehicle (OMFV).