NATO and Azerbaijan strengthen cooperation on defence education
Representatives of the NATO Defence and Security Cooperation Directorate met recently with officials from Azerbaijan’s National Defence University in Baku to take stock of the reform efforts undertaken by the country’s military education institutions within the framework of NATO’s Defence Education Enhancement Programme (DEEP).
At the meeting, which took place on 29 and 30 May 2024, Major General Arif Hasanov, Deputy Director of the National Defence University (NDU) and Rector of the Military Research Institute, briefed his NATO counterparts on the progress made to date, including the use of new technology for an e-library which is supporting all defence education institutions. At the request of Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Defence, NATO and Azerbaijan will prioritise their cooperation on faculty development, academic exchange programmes, sharing of best practices, reforms of the defence and security sectors, and the development of the corps of Non-Commissioned Officers.
Major General Hasanov expressed his gratitude for NATO’s continued support for the modernisation and professionalisation of Azerbaijan’s Armed Forces’ education system.