Rheinmetall Hands Over 20 Marder Infantry Fighting Vehicles To Ukraine
Rheinmetall has handed over 20 additional Marder infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) to the Ukrainian armed forces for their defence against the Russian aggressor. The delivery was completed at the end of the third quarter of 2024. This brings the total number of combat vehicles delivered directly to Ukraine or in the context of so-called ring exchanges (Ringtausch) to around 200. A three-digit number of these systems are Marder 1A3 infantry fighting vehicles. In addition, Rheinmetall has provided Marder infantry fighting vehicles and Leopard main battle tanks in double digits through a ring exchange process. The latest order for the delivery of 20 Marder, financed by the German government, is worth a mid double-digit million euro amount. The order intake has already been booked in March 2024.
The Marder 1A3 version being delivered by Rheinmetall to the Ukraine features additional laser rangefinders for efficient and precise target engagement. The first delivery of 20 combat vehicles of this type was arranged by Rheinmetall on behalf of the German government in March 2023; further deliveries followed, each in the double digits.
As early as in the spring of 2022, Rheinmetall began taking over and refurbishing Marder 1A3 IFVs from Bundeswehr stocks – initially at its own expense. Since then, the combat vehicles have been repaired for their immediate deployment. The work is carried out at the corporation's sites in Unterlüß and Kassel.
To read more, please visit Rheinmetall's website.