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Adrian Ciolponea ROU

Major General Adrian Ciolponea ROU

ACT European Representative, NATO Allied Command Transformation

MG Adrian CIOLPONEA was assigned deputy of the Multinational
Corps South-East (DCOM MNC-SE) NATO on 16th of March 2021.
Prior to this, Maj-Gen. CIOLPONEA was assigned as the Romanian National
Military Representative to Supreme Headquarters Allied Power Europe
(SHAPE), Mons, Belgium.
For his performance as the Dean of National Military Representative,
continuous support and work with ACO command group, NATO legal services and his entire
activity in SHAPE, MG Ciolponea was awarded in 2021, with the Serge Lazzareff Prize.
Major-General Constantin-Adrian CIOLPONEA received his commission in 1988, after
graduating the Military School for Officers, Sibiu, as a infantry officer.
He has been assigned to numerous command and staff positions for operations and
training, reconnaissance, special operations and airborne operations, both in Romania and
abroad. Starting 2008, he commanded the 1st Special Operations Battalion, starting 2009 the 1st
Special Operations Regiment and starting 2011 the 6th Special Operations Brigade.
During his command in Special Operations branch he was Lead planner, participated or
commanded more than 40 NATO Special Operations and Joint international exercises in the
South East flank of NATO. He has various specialties such as: HALO/HAHO jump master
(1000), combat diver, weapons specialist, CQB instructor, Lead Instructor for ROU SO
certification program.
In 2015, he was appointed deputy commander at the 4th Infantry Division and in 2016
became Deputy Land Forces Commander for training and operations, where he actively
contributed for annual training design and modernization program of ROU land forces.
Abroad, he served in a variety of assignments, most notably being: ONU Military
Observer Democratic Republic of Congo -in Joint Military Commission (2000-2001); staff
officer in Afghanistan (2008, 2010, and 2013); staff officer in Kosovo (2009).
His military education includes several international courses, including: Army’s Rangers
course for officers, USA, (1996 – 1997); Special Operations Course (2005);
• National Defense University, Bucharest, Master program Defense studies, 2002-2004
• Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict
Program California, USA (2006 – 2007)-Master program Defense studies;
• Advance Program in Security Studies, George C. Marshall European Center for Security
Studies, Germany, 2010;
• Counter Terrorism Special Forces Advanced Course, USA (2014);
• National War College, National Security Master Program Defense studies-USA (2014 –
2015). During his studies he published studies such as: “Alternative war strategies for Iraq”,
“Special Operations future challenges”, “Army Corps operational environment”. He is
currently enrolled in a PhD program at National Defense University Bucharest with the
research “UAS integration in military operations”. He was invited as a guest speaker and
lecturer at :Global SOF Foundation, Tampa 2015 “ Analysis of East Ukraine Conflict”,
European Parliament- “Counter hybrid strategy”, NATO School Oberammergau Special
“Operation adaptation for peer to peer conflict”” Emerging technologies impact on military
Major-General Constantin-Adrian CIOLPONEA’s decorations and awards include: ONU
Medal; „The Army Achievement” Medal; „The Army Commendation” Medal; General Staff

Badge of Honor; „Romanian Army Honor” Emblem; „Military Veteran” Honorific title; „Land
Forces Emblem of honor”; National Order „Military Virtue” in rank of Knight; „Aerian Forces
Emblem of honor”; Naval Forces Emblem of honor; „In service of the Homeland – for 25 years
of service” Honorary sign. Major-General Constantin-Adrian CIOLPONEA is a fluent English
and French speaker. He is married and father of two.
