Lieutenant Colonel Brad Hardwick
Lieutenant Colonel Hardwick is a Royal Engineer Officer with a diverse portfolio of experience across a range of operational NATO, MARITME, LAND and AIR roles, tempered by civilian commercial experience.
Commissioned in the Royal Engineers in late 1997, and initially posted to 32 Armoured Engineer Regiment in Germany. The All Arms Commando Course and Army Diving Course preceded a long period of time with 59 Commando Engineer Squadron and 3 Commando Brigade - deploying across Europe, Far East and USA with Lead Commando Groups and on Op PALLISER and SILKMAN in Sierra Leone, Op JACANA in Afghanistan and Op TELIC in Iraq in 2003. He then moved to 51 Engineer Squadron and 16 (Air Asslt) Bde to lead its conversion to a Parachute Squadron. A civilian sabbatical followed - focused on leading project and program teams in the investment/ construction arena. It was ended by the financial crisis and an opportunity to return to the ‘colours’ as Sqn 2IC then Officer Commanding 54 Commando Engineer Squadron on Op HERRICK 14, prior to promotion to Major and ICSC(L).
Assigned to RRC FR (Lille)[1] as SO2 Ops (RE). His 20 months saw him working at the core of a NATO 3* headquarters operational planning team, with a special focus on NATO theatre entry conceptual development and study. He took command of 299 Parachute Squadron RE at a critical time. Under Op FORTIFY the Sqn was under threat of disbandment, yet within two years the Sqn established itself as one of the leading Reserve units in the Army and one promoted as an example of best practice as the highest levels. Command was a very demanding career highlight; jumping into Arnhem and Normandy as part of the 70th Anniversary celebrations and leading the first Cdo/Para Engr group to deliver a JFEE[2] at range being personal highlights.
A short stint at HQ AIR, where his responsibilities included AIR deliberate and contingent operational planning as well as overseeing and developing the Service Level agreement between the RAF and Army on use of Royal Engineers, preceded promotion to Lieutenant Colonel and posting to US Army Manoeuvre Support Centre of Excellence at Fort Leonard Wood, USA, as the British Liaison Officer. Now at AHQ, since 2020, as the Programme Manager for the delivery of modernised military bridging and manoeuvrer support.
Lieutenant Colonel Hardwick is married to Jill, who is a NHS Primary Healthcare manager. A keen cyclist, telemarker and rower with two border collies usually close at hand – all combine to help maintain an enduring love of all things outdoors.