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Dennis Jahn

Lieutenant Colonel Dennis Jahn

Doctrine and Standardisation Branch Head, NATO Mountain Warfare Centre of Excellence

Service Career:

1994             Joined the army in Mountain Infantry Battalion 232, BISCHOFSWIESEN

1994 – 1997 NCO training

1998 – 2000  Officer training

2000 – 2003 Platoon commander, Mountain Infantry Battalion 232, BISCHOFSWIESEN

2000 – 2001 Attended the Mountain Guide Course at the Mountain and Winter Warfare Training Base, MITTENWALD

2003 – 2005 Deputy company commander, Mountain Infantry Battalion 571, SCHNEEBERG

2005 – 2008 Company commander, Mountain Infantry Battalion 571, SCHNEEBERG

2008 – 2010 Instructor, Infantry School, HAMMELBURG

2010 – 2011  S3 Staff Officer, Mountain Infantry Brigade 23, BAD REICHENHALL

2011 – 2014 Deputy commanding officer, Mountain Infantry Battalion 231, BAD REICHENHALL

2014 – 2017 Personnel manager, Federal Office for the personnel management of the Bundeswehr, COLOGNE    

2017 – 2019 Department head, Army Concepts and Capabilities Development                       Centre, COLOGNE


2019 – 2022 Commanding officer, Mountain Infantry Battalion 231, BAD      REICHENHALL 

Since July 2022 Head of the Doctrine and Standardization Branch at the Mountain                            Warfare Centre of Excellence



11/2002 – 05/2003            Platoon commander, KFOR

07/2004 – 12/2004            Deputy company commander, ISAF

09/2010 – 03/2011            Staff Officer, CJ 3 Plans, DEU Part Regional Command                                          North, ISAF

01/2013 – 07/2013            Deputy Commanding Officer, Partnering Unit OP                                           North, ISAF
