George DeCock
Director of SCARpods & ISR Sensors,
Airborne Technologies
For 30+ years George is involved in engineering and marketing of LOS/BLOS Coms, EW, Radar, EO/IR and ISR systems. He presently enjoys work and life as the SCAR-pod and Sensors/Mission Specialist for Airborne Technologies, concentrating on new ISR technologies, and new applications of existing ones. His interest is in adapting, installing and certifying new ISR technologies in older military helicopters and being able to swap complete ISR mission systems between different aircraft. Being a firm believer in the application of R-COTS to all airborne surveillance hardware, he is convinced that the future belongs to the use of small, multi-purpose helicopters and pods, equipped with smartly integrated multi-role sensors. At present he works on several programs with optimized payloads for manned and unmanned surveillance missions, and will share his views on giving new life to older helicopters and training aircrews on the latest airborne ISR tools.