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Gert Dobben

Colonel Gert Dobben

Head of Division - Logistics Directorate, European Union Military Staff (EUMS)

Colonel Gert Dobben is a Dutch Army Officer with more than 35 years of service. After his graduation from the Royal Military Academy in Breda (The Netherlands), his military career was marked with a variety of posts: he commanded logistic units and held several posts as a senior officer in the field of national security, military logistics and international cooperation. He served in missions in Bosnia and Afghanistan and was a student at the Ecole de Guerre in Paris. Before joining the EU Military
Staff, he commanded the Netherlands Defence Movement & Transport Organisation.

Since January 2022, Gert Dobben is Head of Division at the Logistics Directorate of the EU Military Staff in Brussels. In his position, he and his team are responsible for a variety of tasks related to military engineering, infrastructure, military medical advice, but with a focus on Military Mobility.
