Lieutenant Colonel General Staff Guido Schneider
Lieutenant Colonel General Staff Guido Schneider is Commander of the Traffic and Transport Battalion 1. This Battalion is a union permanently following terms and specifications in order to ensure operational readiness at any time as well as to support Combat Battalions or to help the civilian population, i.e. to guarantee a basic readiness for operation.
In addition to technical skills, action planning and situation tracking have to be trained. The Traffic and Transport Battalion is unique in Switzerland and its operational area is within the whole country. There are several slots of training each year. Once a year, a four weeks training is taking place where operational readiness is organized and the Armed Forces are supported. Special attention is paid to the training of self-protection, robustness and stamina.
As Head of Systems Management, I am responsible for the life cycle management of all systems within the Swiss Armed Forces, i.e. from combat boots to combat jets. It is essential to ensure the continuity of the logistics processes from the manufacturer to the user. Therefore, many service level agreements have to be concluded with the industry. Measuring the required spare parts, obsolescence management and data management are necessary to ensure the availability of the systems.