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Krešimir Kršinić

Lieutenant Colonel Krešimir Kršinić

Head of Planning Department, Croatian Land Forces
-Born on 07. AUG. 1978. in Dubrovnik, graduated Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing in Zagreb with
focus on Information and Communication Technology.
-In Croatian Armed Forces from 2005, finishes Basic Officer School in 2006, and enters 1st Guard Brigade "Tigers"
(which is eventually restructured into 1st Mech Bn "Tigers"). Spends his entire career in "Tigers" first in the
artillery, and then in infantry, until 2018 when he becomes "Tigers" Bn Commander after passing through all
levels of command.
-He graduates US Army Captains Career Course in Fort Sill in 2007/08, and US Marine Corps Command and Staff
College in Quantico during 2018/19, both with great success.
-During his career, he is involved with vast variety of tasks involving preparations for NATO Response Force (2014)
and participating in EU Battle Group (2012), and is involved with preparations for CREVAL (Combat Readiness
Evaluation) of declared forces.
-He was also responsible for PATRIA AMV 8x8 introduction in operational usage in mechanized units, and has
large experience from participating in vast number of national and international military exercises and activities.
-He has training in numerous weapon systems, he attended numerous courses and specializations related to
artillery and infantry, and has been awarded repeatedly.
-He deployed to Afghanistan twice: As an Infantry Company Commander during 2013/14, and as an Infantry
Advisor for ANA (Afghanistan National Army) during 2016/17.
-He deployed to Kosovo during 2022 as a NALT (Nato Advisory and Liaison Team) Advisor for the Kosovo Security
Forces and Kosovo Ministry of Defense
-He is married and has 2 sons.