Dr Krzysztof Bogdanowicz
I have completed my Ph.D. at Universitat Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona (Spain) and postdoctoral studies from Centre Tecnològic de la Química in Tarragona (Spain). I formerly worked at the Institut Català d'Investigació Química, as project researcher in Henkel- ICIQ Joint Unit (Tarragona, Spain) and as a visiting professor at Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona, Spain). Since March 2017 I moved to Military Institute of Engineer Technology (Wroclaw, Poland) as assistant professor.
My main research interests are focused on renewable energy technologies. The topics of my research focus includes mainly: polymers, liquid crystals, electrolytes in lithium-ion batteries and dye photovoltaic cells, organic layers with admixtures in organic and polymer photovoltaic cells as well as ion-conducting membranes for fuel cells.
The effects of my work can be summarize as: 42 articles in renowned scientific journals, 3 chapter in books, 13 patents, 2 patent applications, participation in several national and international conferences, numerous foreign internships in research and development units (ICIQ in Tarragona-Spain, Max-Planck Institute in Mainz-Germany, European Membrane Institute in Montpellier- France), participation in 8 research projects, including three of industrial importance (for Henkel, P&G and Aluron).
My main achievements include also the highest mark "Excelent Cum Laude" for the defence of the doctoral dissertation, the Rovira and Virgili University award for the best doctorate in the academic year 2015-2016 and an invitation to review over 75 articles for renowned scientific journals (Nano Research, Chemical Engineering Journal, Molecules, Materials, Crystals, Materials Science-Poland, Crystals, Opto-electronic Review and International Journal of Molecular Science). I am also the Topic Editor in Applied Science- MDPI.