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Martin Stoklasa MSc

Major General Martin Stoklasa MSc

Commander of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic, Slovakian Armed Forces
Graduated from the Army College of the Ground Forces, majoring in tank command and engineering in Vyškov.
He is a graduate of the National War College at NDU Washington DC in the USA.

Functions performed:
1990 - 1993 basic command functions of a platoon/company in the 10th tank regiment of the 13th tank division of the Eastern Military District,
1993 - 1994 English language course in Canada,
1994 - 1998 senior senior officer - specialist of the department for ensuring foreign relations of the ASR headquarters/ GŠ ASR,
1996 - 1998 Deputy Chief of the Department for Ensuring International Relations of the Office of the Chief of the GŠ ASR,
1998 - 2000 Staff Officer - Exercises, PCC/SHAPE International Military Staff in Mons, Belgium,
2000 - 2003 Chief of Staff of the Immediate Reaction Battalion Martin,
2003 - 2006 Commander Martin Immediate Reaction Battalion, PS OS SR Light Brigade,
2006 - 2007 study at the National War College International Fellows at NDU Washington DC in the USA, awarded the title of Gšt and MSc. – Master of National Security Strategy,
2007 - 2008 Head of the Department for Planning and Operations Management of the Headquarters of the 1st Mechanized Brigade in Topoľčany,
2008 - 2009 ZNŠ for the Support of the Multinational Brigade KFOR Center in Kosovo/Serbia,
2009 - 2009 Chief of Staff of the Headquarters of the 1st Mechanized Brigade in Topoľčanoch,
2009 head of department - deputy head of the Department of Operational Planning of the Operations Staff, GŠ OS SR,
2009 - 2011 head of the training, exercises and doctrines department of the Operations Staff, GŠ OS SR,
2011 - 2012 head of the Strategy/CJ 5 department, ISAF headquarters , Kabul Afghanistan,
1.6.2012 Deputy Chief of Staff of the Training and Support Forces of the Slovak Armed Forces,
1.8.2012 Chief of Staff of the Training and Support Forces of the Slovak Armed Forces,
1.8.2013 Commander of the Training and Support Forces of the Slovak Armed Forces,
1.12.2014 Deputy Commander of the Strategic Crisis Center of the management of GŠ OS SR.
2015 - 2018 Commander of the 2nd Mechanized Brigade PS OS SR
2019 - 2022 Senior Military Advisor, Permanent Mission of the Slovak Republic to the United Nations, New York, USA
2022 - 2023 Chief, Staff for Operations, General Staff of the Slovak Armed Forces from 1.11.2023 Commander of the Land Forces, OS SR

Language skills: English language STANAG 3, TOEFL