Major General Michael Križanec
Major General Michael Križanec was born in Zagreb on the 7th of January, 1972. He joined the Air Force in 1992 and simultaneously studied at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of
Transportation Sciences where he graduated in 1997. Upon graduation, he received his wings and got commissioned as 2nd Lt on May 28th 1997. He was promoted to 1
st Lieutenant in 2000, to Captain in 2003, to Major in 2006, to Lieutenant Colonel in 2010, to Colonel in 2016 and raised to the rank of Brigadier General in 2019. On 19th March 2023, he was promoted to Major General.
As a Lieutenant he was assigned to 28th Transport Helicopter Squadron (94th AB Lucko) as helicopter pilot. Within the squadron he performed various duties as a Flying ops section chief, Deputy Sq Commander and Sq Commander. He participated in numerous exercises and deployments such as NATO operation KFOR where he commanded 1st and 5th Croatian helicopter detachment in 2009 and 2010. In 2011 he was deployed to Afghanistan as a part of ISAF/NTM-A/NATC-A to advise and assist Afghan Air Force members.
During 2013–2014 he assumed duty in General Staff J-3 Joint doctrine development section and from 2014-2016 he was Executive officer to Chief of the General Staff of Croatian Armed Forces.
Returning to Croatian Air Force in 2016, he was appointed as the Commander of the 91st AFB. In January 2018 he assumed duty of the Chief of Staff and Deputy Commander Croatian Air Force and in November 2019 he was appointed to Commander of the Croatian Air Force.
Major General Michael Križanec received several national and international decorations and Commendations, awards and medals for his service ranging from Air Force base commanders, Air Force Commander, Chief of Staff of the Croatian Armed Forces, Minister of Defence to the President of Republic of Croatia.
Major General Michael Križanec speaks fluent English and uses basic French and Russian languages.