Colonel Rich Newland
Colonel Rich Newland commissioned into the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (REME), of the British Army in 2003. His command roles have been focussed on supporting the maintenance of armoured units/formations. This includes Light Aid Detachment (Workshop) Command with the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards, Company command and Battalion Command with 4 Armoured Close Support Battalion REME. He has deployed on operations to Afghanistan, twice to Iraq, and Northern Ireland.
His time within staff appointments has been spent in Joint Headquarters in operational-facing roles. Within the UK Permanent Joint Headquarters he provided logistic support to global and Counter-Terrorism Operations, and has worked in London delivering a specialist equipment portfolio and also within the Defence Single Tasking Authority, becoming the source of all trawls and penalty statements for the Army! He has degrees in Aeromechanical Engineering, Logistics Management and Defence Studies and is a Fellow with the Institute of Mechanical Engineers.
His wife, Julia, is a teacher, and he has two children fast approaching the teenage phase of life. He is a trained barista, enjoys baking, and enjoys any physical activity going, which mostly now revolves around taking his dog, Stitch, out running.
He is currently deployed as Deputy Commander within the International Donor Coordination Centre.