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Ryan Pearce

Lieutenant Colonel Ryan Pearce

PM Boxer CRV - Recon Variant, Australian Army

Lieutenant Colonel Ryan Pearce commissioned in 2003 to the Royal Australian Armoured Corps. He has held Regimental and Command Appointments in 2nd/14th Light Horse Regiment (Queensland Mounted Infantry) and Headquarters 7th Brigade, as well as staff appointments in Headquarters Joint Operations Command and a range of instructional postings. He has seen operational service in Iraq in 2006, Afghanistan in 2011 and Iraq in 2016.

Lieutenant Colonel Pearce is a graduate of the Australian Capability and Technology Management College, where he received a Masters in Capability Management and a Masters in Project Management, he is also accredited by the Australian Institute of Project Management as a Certified and Practicing Project Director.

Lieutenant Colonel Pearce has worked on the Land 400-2 Boxer CRV Acquisition Program since 2019, he was the Project Manager for the Training System and Officer Commanding the Boxer Training Team from 2019-2021 and is now the Project Manager for the Boxer CRV Reconnaissance Variant.
