Colonel Adam Foley

Assistant Head Military Engineering - Programmes Directorate, British Army

Colonel Adam Foley has been in the British Army and Royal Engineers since 1996, serving in the UK, Germany, Kenya, Cyprus, Gibraltar, Ascension Islands and the Falkland Islands and has deployed on operations in Macedonia, Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan. He is a Professionally Qualified Engineer (PQE) Officer with a civilian and military background in the Civil Engineering and Construction Industry. He has commanded Royal Engineers in peacetime and on operations at Troop, Squadron and Regimental level and has been the Chief Instructor and Chief of Staff at the Royal School of Military Engineering. He joined the Programmes Directorate of Army Headquarters in 2020 as a Programme Manager for the Deployable Infrastructure 2028 (DI28) and Next Generation Wide Wet Gap Crossing Capability (NG WWGCC) Programmes. He assumed the role of the Assistant Head (AH) for the Military Engineering Team on promotion to Colonel in February 2023. In his current role he is the Senior Responsible Owner (SRO) for the ME Cbt 28, DI 28, CBRN Med CM and CBRN PM Programmes and is the SRO/Pg Dir for the NG WWGCC Programme. In addition, he is the Head of Delegation for the UK commitment to the NATO Mil Eng WG.