Colonel Daniele GABOLI

Division Head Air Development Division, NATO SOFCOM

Col Daniele Gaboli serves as Air Development Division Head, in Warfare Development Directorate, in Allied SOF Command (SOFCOM) at SHAPE, Belgium.

Prior to assuming the current position in SOFCOM in July 2022, Colonel Gaboli served as Commander of the Operational Center for Meteorology in Pratica di Mare Airbase, Rome, Italy.

Col. Daniele GABOLI began his career in the 50th Squadron of the 46th Air Brigade in Pisa Airbase (ITA) where he flew on the C130H/J tactical transport aircraft up to February 2011. During his assignment in the Air Brigade he obtained Combat Readiness and participated in operations in Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq and Africa, held the position of Pilot Exchange Officer at Little Rock AFB Air Base (AR-USA) from Jul 2002 to Dec 2004 and served as Tactical Instructor from Sep 2004. He completed his duty at the 46th Air Brigade as Commander of the 50th Flying Squadron from 2009 to 2010.

He held the position of Director of Operations at the Air Task Force of Al Bateen (UAE) in 2011, managing the Air Mobility Forces and supporting the Special Forces in the Afghanistan and Iraq Areas of Operations..

He served in the Italian Air Staff, Plans & Policy Department, from 2012 to 2015 and then he was assigned as Head of the ITA Participation and Deputy Head of Tasking Branch in the European Air Transport Command in Eindhoven (NLD), from 2016 to 2019.

In 2020 he served as Director of Operations of the Pratica di Mare Airport, before assuming command of the Operational Meteorological Center..

Col. Gaboli was born in NW Italy and graduated from the ITA Air Force Academy in 1995 and as Military Pilot in 1996 in Reese AFB (TX-USA). He holds a Bachelor degree in
Aeronautical Sciences from the Academy and a Master’s Degree in Communication and Business Management from the University of Teramo (2016). He and his wife, Monica, have two children (Lorenzo 16 and Arianna 14). He likes padel, biking, action movies and travelling.