COL. Doc. Ing. Jan Mazal, Ph.D., graduated from the Military College of Ground Forces in Vyskov. Since 2005, he has been a doctor in the theory of Defence Management field; since 2013, he has been an associate professor in the area of Military Management. He is a former Doctrine Education and Training Branch Chief at the NATO Modelling & Simulation Centre of Excellence in ROME. Currently, he is a chief of the Military Robotics Department at the University of Defence in Brno. His field of expertise is Military Robotics, Automation of Operational Reasoning, C4ISR Systems, and Modelling and Simulation in the Military Domain. He is the author or co-author of more than 80 scientific publications, a number of robotic prototypes, and various professional software applications. He is the annual chairman or organizer of several scientific conferences (MARS, MESAS, and others), Chairman of the Defence Scientific Committee for the AI and Robotics (CZE MOD), CZE NATO STO AVT representative, and a member of various  NATO groups (MCDC, NATO STO AVT/MSG/SAS, LCGLE/ToE-UGV).