Oleksandr Oleksandrovich Korotchenko, born on March 28, 1981. Lviv, Ukraine. Nationality Ukrainian. Graduated from the 11th grade in 1998, the Military Institute of Telecommunications and Informatization of the National Technical University of Ukraine “KPI” in 2003, degree of higher education – specialist, faculty – information protection, specialty – protection of information with limited access and automation of its processing,
in 2015, Ivan Chernyakhovskyi National University of Defense of Ukraine with a master’s degree, specialization “Organization of engineering support for combat operations of troops (forces)” professional qualification “master’s degree in the specialty “Supply of troops (forces), operational level officer”, in 2022 until now I am studying at the National University of Defense of Ukraine with a master’s degree, specialization “Strategic management in the security and defense sector” professional qualification “master’s degree in the specialty “National Security”, strategic level officer”.
Course preparation:
English language course – Military Institute of the National University named after Shevchenko – 2005 (Ukraine);
Course of Junior Staff Officers – 2006 (Sweden);
Civil-military cooperation course – 2008 (Ukraine);
Course on defense planning (defense management) – 2020 (Ukraine).
2003 – 2007 in the position of deputy (assistant) head of the General Administration of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the regime;
From 2007 to 2010, he was the chief officer of the Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the direction of European integration;
2010 and up to the present time in the positions of senior officer of the information analytical and operational training department, head of the information-analytical department, head of the defense planning department, head of the military
deployment planning department, head of the operational department of the main headquarters of the State Special Transport Service Administration.