Colonel Paweł Sweklej

Director, Military Institute of Armament Technology

Col. Paweł SWEKLEJ Ph.D. is a graduate of the Military University of Technology, Faculty of Armament and Aeronautics, from which he graduated in 1999. In addition, he completed, among other things, a postgraduate MBA at the Jagiellonian College in 2019, and obtained a doctoral degree in engineering and technical sciences granted by a resolution of the Scientific Council of the Air Force Institute of Technology in 2020.

During his military service to date, he has held a number of service positions starting from the position of platoon commander through, head of the armament and electronics service, expert, senior expert in the Land Forces Command and the General Command of the Armed Forces. In 2017, Col. Paweł SWEKLEJ was appointed by the Minister of Defense as head of the branch at the Military Center for Standardization, Quality and Codification, and then in April 2018 as Director of the Center.

In September 2020 he assumed the position of Director of the Military Institute of Armored and Automotive Technology, which he held until 2022.

In accordance with the decision of the Minister of Defense, Col. Paweł SWEKLEJ was appointed the CEO of the Military Institute of Armament Technology as of June 1, 2022.