Lieutenant Colonel Patrick Laurent

Action Officer - Environmental Protection and Operational Energy, European External Action Service

Lieutenant – Colonel (OF4) Patrick LAURENT is a French Officer with a master degree in civil engineering serving as a military for 33 years (1991). After his graduation from the Military Academy of Saint-Cyr in Coëtquidan (France) in 1994, his military career was marked with a variety of posts dedicated to mechanical engineering in support of the 1st Field Artillery Battalion in Belfort (France) equipped with Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS). His last assignment at tactical level was company commander from 1999 to 2001 before heading to Lille as a junior staff officer in charge of monitoring the main armament programmes (Infantry Fighting Vehicles, main battle tank Leclerc, etc.) within the Land Forces Command. In 2005, he decided to switch from mechanical engineering to civil engineering following a 2-year class in Angers. With the master degree in pocket while entering the Ministry of Defense Directorate General of Infrastructure, he served: 7 years in Rennes (2007-2014) in Regional Infrastructure Directorate. 1 year in Guadeloupe French West Indies (2014-2015). 2 years in Paris (2015-2017) in the Air Force Staff Command. in several positions ranging from design-and-build project management to overall project management in France and abroad (in Lebanon in 2009 in the context of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon and from 08/2013 to 01/2014 in Afghanistan as Military Adviser to the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (GIRoA) Ministry of Public Works). During the last 7 years, he served in the NATO Rapid Reaction Corps France HQ based in Lille (France) as infrastructure and environmental protection expert (Joint Task Force JTF HQ, Land Component Command LCC HQ & Warfighting Corps WFC HQ). Since 31 August 2024, Patrick Laurent is Action Officer – Infrastructure Expert at the Logistics Directorate of the EU Military Staff in Brussels.