Lieutenant Colonel Sally Graham

Logistics Liaison Officer to NATO, Australian Defence Force

Lieutenant Colonel Graham is career logistician within the Australian Army, and is a member of the Royal Australian Corps of Transport. At the tactical level she has had a variety of postings to combat brigades and movements units. She has deployed as a movements officer to Timor Leste (peacekeeping) in 2008/9 and to Indonesia for Operation Padang Assist (disaster assistance) in 2009. She deployed to Kandahar, Afghanistan in 2011, working to Regional Command South in the area of Afghan National Security Force development.

Since promotion to her current rank, LTCOL Graham has been posted to Australia’s strategic logistics headquarters and subsequently to her current position as Australia’s Logistics Liaison Officer to NATO.

In addition to an undergraduate honours degree, Lieutenant Colonel Graham holds a Master of Management (Human Resource Management), a Master of International and Community Development and a Master in Military and Defence Studies.