Major General Jonny Lindfors

Commander, Swedish Army

Major General Jonny Lindfors assumed Command over the Swedish Army on June 18, 2023. Prior to this he held the position as the Armed Forces expert in the National Defense Commission, tasked with preparing the next white book of Sweden’s National Defense.

He was born and raised in Kiruna where he also spent his early service years as a Ranger Officer at the Lappland Ranger Regiment. After a period focused on technical systems and maintenance within the infantry he turned to positions of command.

His command assignments include the King’s Battalion at the Royal Lifeguard Regiment as well as the Norrbotten Regiment, a Mechanized Brigade platform.

He also commanded the Joint Force Training Directorate with the responsibility of manning and training the Swedish Armed Forces. The task included planning, execution and coordination of operational level exercises, managing the finances and allocating resources and tasks regarding manning and training for the Joint Force Generation.

During his career he has also been deployed, serving among Swedish units in Afghanistan and Kosovo.

In addition to studies at the Swedish Military Academies and a Master’s Degree in War Science from the Swedish National Defence University, he also holds a Master’s Degree in Strategy from US Army War College. He is also a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of War Science.

Being born and raised in Kiruna, the northernmost city of Sweden, having alpine skiing, hiking and ice hockey as his favorite hobbies comes natural. Jonny was for example one of few who celebrated New Year’s Eve 1999 at the peak of Kebnekaise, Sweden’s tallest mountain situated in the northern part of Sweden.